NIETS Examinations
The NIETS i.e. National Institute of Educational Testing Services administers many admission tests, entrance examinations, recruitment examinations and assessments examinations. The NIETS delivers various tests across Thailand to help students and institutions to achieve their goals. At present the NIETS administers following examinations:
O-NET : Ordinary National Educational Test
O-NET test the knowledge and thinking ability of Grade 6, 9 and 12 students according to the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E 2551 (A.D. 2008). Since academic year 2015, the test in 9 subjects were given to Grade 6 students, Grade 9 students and Grade 12 students.
V-NET : Vocational National Educational Test
V-NET test the knowledge and thinking ability of Vocational education students according to the Vocational Certificate Curriculum of the year 2002 (for the former) and the higher Vocational Certificate Curriculum of the year 2002 (for the latter).
I-NET : Islamic National Educational Test
I-NET test the knowledge and think ability of students according to the Islamic Studies Curriculum B.E. 2546 (A.D. 2003) and Common Core Islamic Studies Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D.2008).
B-NET : Buddhist National Educational Test
B-NET test the knowledge and thinking ability of students in the Common Phrapariyattithamma (Monks' School) Curriculum B.E. 2544 (A.D.2001 ).
N-NET : Non-Formal National Educational Test
N-NET test the knowledge and thinking ability of non-formal education students according to the Non-Formal Education curriculum of the year 2008.
Teacher Performance
Teacher performance Testing offered by NIETS is assessment of teachers’ knowledge and skills concerning Educational Measurement and Evaluation.
For detailed information including latest notifications, test dates and testing location, examination fees and curriculum etc. follow the official website